Energy is integral to our existence and growth. While we have invented multiple energy systems, e.g., power plants, combustion engines, etc., to cater to human needs, in order to ensure a cleaner and sustainable future for the growing world population, we have to invent new energy systems that are less polluting as well as rely on cheap and abundant materials.
Our group pursues this overarching vision of a cleaner and sustainable future by ***exploring new energy technologies that function via the interconversion of fluid, thermal, electrical, and chemical energies*** (as schematically shown by the group logo).
Fig. group logo
Many materials have been synthesized over the past couple of decades to enable such futuristic energy systems. Unfortunately, in most cases, the ***devices made up of new materials do not behave predictably***. Such a loss of predictability is responsible for [decades of efforts](<>) to commercialize new technologies. The cause for the loss of predictability is often not obvious and can be linked to the poorer performance of the new materials, their unwanted interaction with other materials in the system, nonlinear scaling of the material response across lengthscales, or other unexpected factors. Our research efforts are ***aimed at filling this knowledge gap by studying the underlying non-equilibrium material behavior***. Our guiding principle is
We uncover such a predictive understanding by synergistically combining controlled experiments, physics-based theory, and data-driven modeling.
Our work connects to multiple sustainable development goals as identified by the icons above.
Materializing such a cleaner and sustainable energy future is a challenging task and requires close coordination among material chemists, physicists, engineers, and various other partners. We collaborate with them to shorten the timeframe for developing and deploying such technologies.
Whether you are a potential collaborator, future group member, curious school student, or someone else intrigued by the energy future, feel free to contact us for more discussion!
—- Aashutosh Mistry, Ph.D.
Contact Us: @Amystery91